=1 "Auroville - the first city without a school"

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Auroville – the first city without a school

Thus according to the wish expressed by the Mother, Auroville is in process of becoming the first city without schools. It will no longer need schools because the city itself will be built entirely around the child and for the child as well as for those adults who still desire to grow.

It aspires also to be the first town that does not need teachers as we understand them. Everybody would be a lifelong student, and would help everyone else. The teachers would be the universe, nature, meditation, play, dreams, events, travels, machines, friends, the whole city, the programmed studies and the environments created by the best specialists in the world.

Shall we ever reach the point where, faithful to its charter, Auroville will be the first town without adults, the city of “youth that never ages”? This means that everyone, throughout his life, would have to answer to the definition of youth given by the Mother:

To be young is to live in the future, for the future.
To be young is to be always ready to leave what one is in order to become what one should be.
To be young is never to admit the irreparable.